Courses & Training

While Web3 technologies offer communities robust mechanisms for governing on-chain resources, Coh3rence provides the social methodologies (human communication and decision-making protocols) necessary for individuals within communities to grow their self-awareness, empathy, and collaboration. This optimizes the quality of their strategic decisions while maintaining cohesion and smooth relationships within the collective.

Our Online Courses are under Construction at the moment, we appreciate your patience and engagement!


What to expect from us?

We want to train our community and customers in everything related human coordination and understanding, from the main tools to undersand the mechanics of our own human psyche to the most compelling communication mechanisms and structures for enabling smooth, worthy and inclusive collective dynamics for assessment and decision-taking. Among our courses you will find:

  • Mindfulness and Meditation: Enhancing self-awareness and emotional regulation.
  • Peer-to-Peer Learning: Fostering a culture of continuous learning and support.
  • Feedback Loops: Ensuring continuous improvement through structured feedback.
  • Empathy Mapping: Understanding and visualizing the needs of community members.
  • Human Design: Leveraging individual personality insights to enhance self-awareness, optimize team dynamics, and foster personal and collective growth.
  • Holistic Conflict Transformation: Addressing and resolving conflicts constructively.
  • Authentic Communication: Promoting honest and transparent exchanges.
  • Non-Violent Communication (NVC): Cultivating empathy and active listening.
  • Holocracy and Sociocracy: Implementing self-organizing governance models.
  • Deep Democracy: Embracing all voices and perspectives, effectively addressing conflicts, and making inclusive decisions.
  • Formal Consensus: Ensuring every voice is heard in the decision-making process by a clear and prescribed social methodology.
  • Mediation and Facilitation: Guiding productive and respectful dialogues.
  • Ho’oponopono: Restoring harmony through reconciliation and forgiveness.
  • Trust-Building Exercises: Enhancing trust and cooperation within teams.
  • Trauma-Informed Culture: Supporting emotional well-being through trauma-awareness.
  • Open Space Technologies: Organizing and running a meeting or multi-day conference, where participants are invited to focus on a specific, important task or purpose.
  • Unified Thinking Protocols: Aligning diverse perspectives to create shared visions.
  • Regenerative Leadership: Creating adaptive, resilient systems and cultures aligned with natural principles, fostering sustainable growth and collaboration.
  • Leadership for the new paradigms: Enabling Emotional intelligence, service to the team, adaptivity to continuous changing environment, inclusivity and coaching towards teams and communities.
  • And more