About Us

At Coh3rence we are Regenerating Organizations through inner-growth and cohesion, our intention is to help any community to ease their internal communications, and when is needed, to guide them to Transform any conflict or tension into valuable insights and decisions by Connecting Hearts to the Commons-unity that holds them together.

Our culture is built on the values of unity, trust, and growth. We believe in fostering inclusive decision-making, empathetic communication, and holistic well-being. Our community is diverse and collaborative, thriving in an environment that values every voice and promotes continuous learning and personal transformation. Together, we transform conflict into opportunities for deeper connection and positive change.


  • “To empower individuals and communities by providing education, training, and certifications in inclusive decision-making, fostering trust, authentic communication, and holistic conflict transformation to create harmonious and effective collaborative environments.”


  • “To be the leading global framework and educational reference on how decentralized communities and organizations evolve together by making decisions, promoting a culture of commons-unity, growth, and peace through innovative communication protocols and community grounded principles.”

Our Principles

These are the pillars of our community and the anchor for every decision we will ever take following our Formal Consensus Governance Protocol.

1. Transformative Growth

Transformative Growth emphasizes the importance of inner change and continuous development as essential drivers for broader societal transformation. This value is rooted in trauma-informed practices, recognizing the impact of past experiences on individuals and communities. It promotes personal growth through self-awareness, reflection, and a commitment to lifelong learning. By fostering an environment that supports personal and professional development, Coh3rence aims to create resilient individuals capable of contributing to positive change within their organizations and communities.

2. Inclusive Collaboration

Inclusive Collaboration focuses on creating processes where every voice is heard and valued. This value is built on the principles of empathetic communication and conflict transformation. It encourages open dialogue, active listening, and authentic expression, ensuring that all members feel respected and included in decision-making processes. By addressing and transforming conflicts into opportunities for growth, Coh3rence fosters a culture of collaboration and unity. This approach strengthens relationships, builds trust, and enhances the collective intelligence of groups.

3. Holistic Well-being

Holistic Well-being prioritizes the overall health and harmony of individuals and communities. This value encompasses authenticity, trust creation, and unified thinking. It encourages individuals to bring their whole selves into their interactions, fostering environments of trust and mutual respect. Unified thinking promotes the integration of diverse perspectives, leading to more comprehensive and effective solutions. By focusing on the well-being of the whole person and the community, Coh3rence supports the development of sustainable, thriving organizations.

Our Governance

Coh3rence strategy and organizational topics will be ruled by its community, specifically by the Formal Consensus framework, inspired by the “On Conflict and Consensus” handbook.

The main advantage of formal consensus over more traditional decision-making practices is that it diminishes the competitive dynamic which is integral to all majority rule systems. Formal consensus emphasizes universal participation through inclusive, open, and transparent procedures which encourage cooperative resolution to conflicts, rather than aggressive competition to achieve the highest number of votes.
The predictable and consistent structure which formal consensus provides allows for easier participation, even from those participants who would otherwise feel marginalized or disempowered.

.- Wikipedia

Treasury and overall resource allocation will be ruled by the Coh3rence Colony app through it’s inherent Lazy Consensus mechanism, so every contributor will be able to rule and be ruled by the mechanism itself.

Only Contributing Members will be able to participate in our Formal Consensus mechanism. For more information about how to become a contributor member come to our next meeting (see Calendar) or fill this form.
