Transforming DAOs: Embracing Developmental Principles for a Thriving Decentralized Future

by Gustavo Segovia

It’s very likely that if you are coming to read this, you already know the rise of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) represents a revolutionary shift. These digital-native entities promise transparency, democracy, and efficiency. However, they often grapple with challenges such as governance participation, shadow hierarchies, member burnout, lack of accountabilities, troubles with conflicts and/or having a hard time in maintaining engagement. Enter the concept of Deliberately Developmental Organizations (DDOs), a transformative approach that could hold the key to addressing these issues and unlocking the full potential of DAOs.

This article explores how integrating the principles of Deliberately Developmental Organizations, as outlined in the book “An Everyone’s Culture,” can revolutionize DAOs. By fostering a culture of continuous personal and professional growth, embracing vulnerabilities, and building a supportive community, DAOs can overcome common challenges and thrive in the decentralized future.

During my journey with Gravity DAO, we embarked on a seven-week program through a book club dedicated to “An Everyone’s Culture.” More than just reading the book, we engaged in deep discussions, shared perspectives, and envisioned a future where DAOs embrace the DDO model. This article not only summarizes the key concepts of the book but also brings in valuable insights and dreams shared by our community during this enriching experience.

Understanding Deliberately Developmental Organizations (DDOs)

Deliberately Developmental Organizations (DDOs) are organizations that prioritize the personal and professional growth of their members as much as their operational goals. The concept is thoroughly explored in “An Everyone’s Culture” by Robert Kegan and Lisa Laskow Lahey, where they describe DDOs as environments where everyone is encouraged to learn, grow, and realize their full potential. These organizations are structured around the belief that everyone is capable of continuous improvement and that fostering this growth can lead to enhanced organizational performance and individual well-being.

Core Principles

  1. Constant Personal and Professional Growth:
    • In DDOs, the development of individuals is embedded into the daily operations of the organization. This goes beyond traditional training programs; it is about creating an environment where every interaction and task is seen as an opportunity for growth.
    • Growth is not just a goal but a continuous process. Employees are encouraged to identify their weaknesses, receive constructive feedback, and work on their personal development as an ongoing journey.
  2. Embracing Vulnerabilities and Weaknesses:
    • A unique aspect of DDOs is their approach to vulnerabilities and weaknesses. Rather than hiding or avoiding these aspects, DDOs encourage members to openly share and discuss them.
    • This openness creates a culture of trust and psychological safety, where individuals feel secure to take risks, make mistakes, and learn from them. The organization supports its members in transforming their weaknesses into strengths.
  3. Building a Supportive and Transparent Community:
    • At the heart of a DDO is a community that is both supportive and transparent. This involves creating structures and practices that promote honest communication, mutual support, and collective responsibility.
    • Transparency in a DDO means that information is freely shared, and everyone has access to the same knowledge. This openness helps in building trust and aligning the organization’s goals with the individual’s aspirations.

Scientific Perspective on Self-Development

In Chapter 2 of “An Everyone’s Culture,” the autors delve into the scientific underpinnings of self-development, emphasizing that development does not stop at adulthood. They discuss various stages of development, highlighting how adults can continue to grow in complexity and capability throughout their lives. This scientific perspective reinforces the DDO philosophy that every individual has the potential for continuous growth, and that nurturing this growth benefits both the individual and the organization.

Benefits of DDOs

The benefits of adopting a DDO approach are manifold:

  • Enhanced Performance: Organizations that invest in the development of their members often see improved performance and innovation. Employees who feel supported and valued are more engaged and motivated.
  • Resilience and Adaptability: By focusing on personal growth, DDOs create resilient and adaptable individuals who can navigate change effectively.
  • Stronger Community: A culture of transparency and support fosters a strong sense of community and belonging, which can reduce turnover and increase loyalty.

Deliberately Developmental Organizations represent a paradigm shift in how we think about work and personal growth. By embedding development into the fabric of the organization, DDOs create environments where individuals and organizations can thrive together. This foundational understanding sets the stage for exploring how these principles can be applied to DAOs, transforming them into Deliberately Developmental Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DDDAOs).

Key Insights from the Book Club

During this book club, we did not only read and summarize the most notorious part of the book that worthed to be exposed and shared with the team, but we encouraged the sarong of insights and opinions that our different experiences were bringing to the web3 industry, specially on what regards it organizational culture. Some of these insights are the following:

  • Embracing Vulnerability and Transparency: During our discussions, a recurring theme was the importance of creating a safe environment where individuals can openly share their vulnerabilities and challenges. This approach fosters a culture of trust and psychological safety, enabling members to take risks, make mistakes, and learn from them. One member shared, “When I communicated that I was feeling overwhelmed and exhausted, the support I received from the community was overwhelming. It reinforced the idea that openness leads to collective growth.”
  • Continuous Personal and Professional Development: Our group recognized that ongoing learning and development are crucial for maintaining engagement and preventing burnout. We explored how the principles of Deliberately Developmental Organizations (DDOs) could be integrated into DAO operations to create a culture of continuous improvement. This involves not just formal training but embedding growth opportunities into daily tasks and interactions. As one participant noted, “Every interaction can be a learning experience, and every challenge an opportunity for growth.”
  • Supportive Community and Collective Responsibility: A strong sense of community and mutual support is essential in a DAO. We discussed how DDO principles emphasize collective responsibility, where everyone is involved in the development of their peers. This can be facilitated through regular feedback sessions, mentorship programs, and peer-to-peer learning opportunities. One member highlighted, “Our community thrives when we support each other’s growth. It’s not just about individual success but collective progress.”
  • Integrating DDO Principles into DAO Operations: This includes regular check-ins, open feedback loops, and developmental practices that encourage members to reflect on their personal and professional growth. The idea is to create an environment where development is an ongoing process, not a one-time event. One insightful comment was, “By making development a part of our daily routine, we ensure that growth is continuous and everyone is moving forward together.”

Applying DDO Concepts to DAOs

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) offer groundbreaking opportunities for innovation and community-driven governance. However, they also face unique challenges that can hinder their effectiveness and sustainability. By integrating the principles of Deliberately Developmental Organizations (DDOs), DAOs can evolve into Deliberately Developmental Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DDDAOs), addressing these challenges and unlocking their full potential.

Common Problems in DAOs

  1. Governance Participation: Low participation in governance can hinder decision-making and the overall effectiveness of a DAO.
  2. Member Burnout: The uncertain nature of DAOs can lead to high workloads and burnout among members.
  3. Maintaining Engagement: Keeping members engaged and motivated over time is a persistent challenge.
  4. Shadow Hierarchies: Informal power structures can emerge, undermining the decentralized nature of DAOs.
  5. Unclear Responsibilities: Ambiguities in roles can lead to confusion and conflict avoidance.
  6. Broken Feedback Loops: Ineffective feedback mechanisms can result in a lack of accountability.
  7. Implicit Expectations: Unspoken norms can create misunderstandings and toxic dynamics.
  8. Lack of Trust and Care: Insufficient emotional and psychological support can lead to burnout and disengagement.
  9. Passive Aggressiveness: Subtle resistance to decisions and directives can impede progress.
  10. Unclear Boundaries: Blurred lines between personal and professional roles can cause friction.

(these DAO blind spots bullets are inspired by @disc0punk from his work in The Androgynous Organizations)

Integrating DDO Principles into DAOs

Promoting Personal Growth One of the core tenets of DDOs is the emphasis on continuous personal and professional growth. In DAOs, this can be facilitated through innovative web3 tools.

  • Developmental Badges (NFTs): Introduce NFTs as developmental badges awarded for reaching specific milestones. For instance, completing leadership training or significantly contributing to a project can earn a member a unique NFT. This not only celebrates individual achievements but also provides a transparent and decentralized record of personal growth, helping to counteract shadow hierarchies.

Fostering a Supportive Community A supportive and transparent community is essential for the health of any organization, particularly in DAOs.

  • Appraisal Tokens for Feedback: Establish a system of appraisal tokens that members can use to provide feedback. This continuous and constructive feedback loop encourages a culture of mutual support and accountability. For example, if someone receives helpful feedback or provides valuable insight, they can be rewarded with a token, creating a positive reinforcement cycle.
  • Blockchain-Based Dot Collector: Implement a blockchain-based Dot Collector tool to facilitate real-time feedback during meetings and activities. By recording feedback on the blockchain, all interactions are transparent and accountable, helping to dismantle implicit expectations and build a culture of openness.

Embracing Vulnerabilities Creating a culture where members feel safe to share their vulnerabilities can lead to deeper trust and collaboration.

  • Developmental Meetings: Schedule regular developmental meetings using smart contracts to ensure consistency. These meetings can focus on discussing personal growth, challenges, and developmental goals, providing a safe space for members to share and support each other.
  • Transparent Governance Discussions: Use blockchain technology to record and share governance discussions. This transparency ensures that all voices are heard and reduces passive aggressiveness by making decision-making processes clear and inclusive.

Practical Strategies for Implementation

  1. Regular Check-ins and Feedback Loops:
    • Schedule regular check-ins to discuss personal and professional development. Use smart contracts to automate scheduling and ensure consistency. Establish feedback loops with appraisal tokens to encourage continuous improvement.
  2. Mentorship Programs:
    • Create mentorship programs where experienced members mentor newer members. Use tokens to incentivize participation and track progress on the blockchain. This supports skill and knowledge sharing, fostering a culture of continuous learning.
  3. Workshops and Training Sessions:
    • Organize workshops and training sessions focused on both technical skills and soft skills such as leadership, communication, and conflict resolution. Tokenize participation and completion, recording these achievements on the blockchain to maintain a transparent record of growth.
  4. Community Building Activities:
    • Host regular community-building activities such as virtual meetups, hackathons, and collaborative projects. Use NFTs and tokens to recognize and reward participation and contributions, encouraging collaboration and mutual support.
  5. Governance Participation Incentives:
    • Develop incentive structures to encourage active participation in governance. Reward participation with tokens and ensure transparency using blockchain technology. This increases engagement and ensures that all voices are valued in decision-making processes.

Vision for the Future

Transforming into DDDAOs Envision a future where DAOs fully embrace the DDO model, transforming into Deliberately Developmental Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DDDAOs). These organizations prioritize the growth and well-being of their members alongside operational efficiency and decentralized governance. This holistic approach leads to more resilient, adaptive, and innovative organizations capable of navigating the complexities of the web3 space.

Impact on the Web3 Ecosystem Adopting DDDAO principles across the web3 space can set new standards for sustainability and effectiveness. By fostering environments that prioritize personal and collective development, DAOs can become more robust and better equipped to handle decentralized governance challenges. This approach creates a more engaged, motivated, and capable community, driving meaningful change and innovation within the decentralized space.

By integrating these strategies and tools, DAOs can overcome common challenges and evolve into thriving DDDAOs, setting a new standard for growth, engagement, and effectiveness in the web3 ecosystem.


Throughout this article, we’ve explored how integrating the principles of Deliberately Developmental Organizations (DDOs) can revolutionize Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs). By fostering a culture of continuous personal and professional growth, embracing vulnerabilities, and building a supportive community, DAOs can overcome common challenges such as governance participation, member burnout, and maintaining engagement. Coh3rence’s journey aims to exemplify how these principles can be practically applied to create a thriving, resilient, and innovative decentralized community.

Call to Action

As Coh3rence continues to gain experience and refine our practices in becoming a Deliberately Developmental Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DDDAO), we invite other DAOs to join us on this transformative journey. Here’s how you can start:

  1. Create Safe Spaces for Vulnerability: Establish regular developmental meetings where members can openly share their challenges and growth goals. This fosters trust and collaboration.
  2. Implement Continuous Learning Programs: Introduce tokenized learning and development programs to incentivize ongoing education and skill development.
  3. Enhance Transparency and Accountability: Use blockchain-based tools to record and share feedback, governance discussions, and developmental progress. This ensures that all processes are transparent and everyone’s contributions are acknowledged.
  4. Build a Supportive Community: Encourage mutual support through appraisal tokens and mentorship programs, reinforcing a culture of continuous improvement and collective responsibility.

We believe that by sharing our insights and experiences, we can help other DAOs adopt these transformative principles. If you are interested in integrating DDO principles into your DAO, we would love to have a conversation with you. Let’s explore how we can collaborate to create more resilient, adaptive, and innovative decentralized organizations together.

Final Thoughts

The potential of Deliberately Developmental Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DDDAOs) to revolutionize the way decentralized organizations operate and thrive is immense. By prioritizing personal and collective growth, DAOs can become more resilient, adaptive, and innovative, setting new standards in the web3 ecosystem. Imagine a future where every member of a DAO is continuously growing, supported by a transparent and nurturing community, and contributing to the collective success of the organization. This is the promise of DDDAOs—a transformative model for the decentralized future.

By integrating these principles, we can not only address the existing challenges in DAOs but also pave the way for a more sustainable and impactful web3 space. Let’s work together to build organizations that truly develop their members and communities, leading to a brighter, more inclusive future for all.


Book References:

Discussion References:

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